Treatment with a system

The Normamed standards form the basis of every treatment that follows a Normamed check-up.


Integrative therapy

Normamed treatments are integrative therapies, i.e. they combine the best of traditional Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.

Normamed therapies focus on the treatment of infections and organ dysfunction. The restoration of a good digestion and the stabilisation of the metabolism are important preliminaries for a specialised medical therapy.

Under certain circumstances, this can greatly improve the tolerability of pharmaceutical drugs that may be required at times. Depending on the circumstances, their use at the right time of treatment can increase efficacy and help prevent downfalls.


Medication with caution

If it is temporarily necessary to take stronger medications, they are only given when the metabolism has been stabilised beforehand to ensure that they are well tolerated. This preserves the medication’s effect and sustains its effectiveness. Discontinuations of therapy due to loss of trust in medication can thus be avoided.


Reasonable and temporary change of diet

Even small corrections of the diet and by extension of the digestion are important for an intact spleen function.

This is encouraged by the restoration of a restful sleep. The therapy is based on very well-tolerated treatment concepts, which are individually combined and coordinated by the physicians of traditional Western and alternative practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

In acute cases of disturbed digestion, fast food changes in connection with Chinese herbs and possibly Probiotics can cause considerable improvements right in the beginning. For this purpose, it is important to monitor nutrition and digestion during the course of treatment.

Download Normamed nutrition protocol


Monitoring success, aftercare and prevention

Particular attention is paid to monitoring the success of the treatments. Already during the treatment, changes in the organ condition and even the treatment of infections can be monitored by using the mouth-throat diagnostics. Thus a quick medical report based on physical observations is attainable – often without having to wait for laboratory results. After completion of a therapy, further monitoring of success takes place. It is intended to ensure the sustainability of a treatment and it also serves as a precaution. Regular follow-up check-ups, approximately every two years, are therefore recommended.


Causal medical care with Normamed on site

For the execution of Normamed check-ups and the subsequent treatment, special arrangements are made worldwide with medical care centres, practices and doctors. In Germany, the Ärztehaus Mitte in Berlin carries out examinations and treatments according to Normamed standards as the first MVZ.

You can contact the medical centre directly. If you are interested in further treatment options within the framework of Integrative Normamed Medicine, then simply contact the staff of the medical centre.

Please note: The medical services according to the Normamed method are offered exclusively by Normamed doctors and naturopaths. Information about the medical execution of the check-ups can therefore be obtained directly from clinics and medical centres. Normamed itself does not offer any medical services.