Treatment of the organs for sustainable recovery

In traditional Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), there are different views about the function of the organs. It is important to understand important insights of both medical cultures and to combine them for the benefit of an effective medicine.

This results in well-tolerated and extended diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities.


Combination and further development of medical knowledge

Normamed combines the medical knowledge of the traditional western and eastern medicine into a new causal medical care. The precise order of application is very important. The course of the therapies is also of particular importance. If the Normamed standards are taken into account, then the chances of sustainable treatment efficiency can increase considerably. The necessary medical measures are thus made compatible by way of correct sequence. Generally speaking, patients do not find them stressful. In medical terms, this can have a great stabilising effect.

Focus on liver

A core of the Normamed method is the establishment of an intact liver function. This should also promote the performance of the spleen. Normamed mouth and throat diagnostics (MRD) is also used to regulate the function of the liver and gall bladder – a unique feature of this medicine.

By assessing the fine functions of the gallbladder, it allows an intact liver-gallbladder function to be achieved, which in turn forms the basis for the regulation of the spleen. This very important component for fine regulation is evidently missing in any other form of medicine today.


Focus on gallbladder

The restoration of an intact bladder function is one of the basic components of Normamed causal medical care. If the gall bladder does not function properly, digestion cannot be regulated properly – and vice versa. Therefore, it is of great importance to pay special attention to the interplay – and thus to include the function of the gallbladder in a therapy before or at the same time.


Focus on the spleen

The spleen is an organ of the lymphatic system. As it is directly connected to the most important digestive processes, it can function only if the bases of digestion itself function well. Therefore, metabolic disorders and pathogens are searched for in parallel. The goal, which is also known from Traditional Chinese Medicine, is a genuinely intact spleen function.

Focus on kidneys

The kidneys are one of the most important organ systems. Kidney strain is most often caused by toxins, poisons that the body produces by itself in the course of poor metabolism or via pathogens. For this reason, the Normamed method includes processes of digestive regulation. Special attention is also paid to physical reactions against toxins that arise from infections of microorganisms.

The elimination of toxin production by microorganisms is a therapeutic priority. For this reason, the Normamed method uses a special method of specimen collection to search for corresponding pathogens.


Using the findings of microbiology

Detection of infections, strengthening of organs and regulation of digestion – but this is not possible without the application of microbiology, which means: The search for pathogens must be systematic, consistent, correct and forbearing.


Bacteria as helpers: Testing the compatibility of probiotics

The spleen is an organ of the lymphatic system. As it is directly connected to the most important digestive processes, it can function only if the bases of digestion itself function well. Therefore, metabolic disorders and pathogens are searched for in parallel. The goal, which is also known from Traditional Chinese Medicine, is a genuinely intact spleen function.

Causal medical care for healthy interaction of the organs

Fine-tuning the digestive system, optimising the functions of the spleen and gallbladder, including other organs (such as kidneys and the liver) and treating infections form a system and guide the study and treatment approach.

The system and method of Normamed causal care are thus a reflection of the interdependencies and interplay that exist between nutrition, digestion, organ functions and infections in the form of disorders.


Components for comprehensive treatment

Interactions must be taken into account, and disorders cannot be eliminated selectively. This is also one of the reasons why the applications of modern western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine alone cannot be really successful. They need to be systematically combined and methodically reinforced with components that are either ignored or missing.