Infections, digestive and organ disorders are the causes of many chronic diseases. Normamed combines traditional "Western" and "Eastern" medicine for diagnosis and treatment.
Normamed causal medicine at a glance....
Infections disrupt the immune system and damage the functions of the spleen....
The example of Candida albicans and Co. – a widespread disease Yeasts can make you very sick...
The example of Helicobacter pylori Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a dangerous...
Worms and Protozoa Worms are multicellular parasites, protozoa (also: Protista)...
Mixed infections require a systematic approach. Knowledge of diagnostics...
Treatment of the organs for sustainable recovery In traditional Western medicine...
Infections, digestive and organ disorders are the causes of many chronic diseases. Normamed combines traditional "Western" and "Eastern" medicine for diagnosis and treatment.
Infections, digestive and organ disorders are the causes of many chronic diseases. Normamed combines traditional "Western" and "Eastern" medicine for diagnosis and treatment.
You can reach our central Normamed service in Berlin at