Refai, Mohamed/Loot, Ahmed (1970)
Incidence of epizootic lymphangitis in Egypt with reference to its geographical distribution
In: Götz/Grimmer/Hantschke/Meinhof/Rieth (Hrsg.) (1970): mykosen. Zeitschrift für die Erforschung und Behandlung der Pilzkrankheiten, Band 13, Heft 5 (1970)
pp. 247–252

Candida albicans, oral isolate, rice, 4days, 400-fold resolution

Candida albicans, stool isolate, SG margin, 400x resolution

Candida rugosa, stool isolate, rice, 4 days, 400x magnification, contrast

Candida tropicalis, stool isolate, rice, -5 days,400x magnification. Contrast

epizootic lymphangitis; Egypt; geographical distribution; Behera; Dakahlia; January; March; May; horses; Mules; donkeys; male animals

Check-ups for pathogenic yeasts

Causal medical examination and treatment of pathogenic fungal infections.