Chronic fatigue, exhaustion and burnout

Everyday stress from family and career, from shift work or frequent travelling, from especially high pressure in one’s professional or personal life can gradually lead to fatigue and exhaustion in anyone. That’s normal. One should seriously address the causes of this if these symptoms get out of control, continuously occur and severely impair one’s daily life.

Comprehensive assessment of causes

Mental reasons or particular stress at work are not always the catalysts of chronic fatigue or even burnout, meaning great physical and mental overload. Possible bodily causes of the chronic occurrence of early fatigue and burnout symptoms are often overlooked.

Recognising causal chains

Burnout and chronic exhaustion generally do not occur in isolation. People affected by these usually have other symptoms simultaneously. These may include sleeping disorders. That’s why it is difficult to recognise the causal chains of burnout and chronic exhaustion.

It is reasonable to seek medical consultation if the following symptoms occur frequently and in tandem:

  • Persistent or recurring digestive issues (in particular diarrhoea, constipation) and gastrointestinal issues (bloating, discomfort)
  • Allergies and intolerances
  • Sleeping disorders
  • Loss of concentration and physical exhaustion
  • Head and back pain
  • Vertigo and circulatory issues
  • Diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract and bladder
  • Regular rise in stomach acid (heartburn)
  • Throat inflammations and difficulties swallowing
  • “Flu-like” infections or feverish colds throughout the year
  • Protracted or recurring joint inflammations (and/or inflammations of the nasal mucosa)

What causes burnout?

Constant exhaustion, loss of motivation, languor and lethargy, irritability and loss of interest in many things can lead to a feeling of being burnt out. Yet the word “burnout” as an umbrella term for the symptoms described is also used as a buzzword. People who have to perform a lot of work want clarity of the actual causes of their symptoms.

Treating the actual causes of burnout symptoms

It is often overlooked that burnout or similar symptoms occur at the end of a long period of development, and may be the result of complex physical disorders that have developed over a long length of time. Only afterward does the psyche react with overstress. This condition is somewhat preceded in a manner that was not, or was barely, noticed. A disorder of physical malfunctions has thus reached the psyche.

The deciding measure for chronic exhaustion and burnout is building up physical health and strength. It comes down to disrupting the mutual strengthening of disorders’ effects. The primary ones are:

  • Digestive disorders
  • Disorders of the bodily organs
  • Disorders of the metabolism
  • Disorders of the immune system
  • Infections with undetected or untreated pathogens or caused by miscolonisation

Together these disorders have great influence over the physical and mental equilibrium. That it is important to observe the mental and physical causes, as is done in traditional Chinese medicine.

Digestion, organ function, metabolism and infections

It is crucial to note that infections may have already damaged the body in ways noticeable and unnoticeable over a long period of time. This can often occur as a result of unnoticed infections.

Disease-causing yeasts such as Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis and other pathogenic Candida species, parasites like protozoa and worms can impair organ functions in the long term.

They severely irritate the digestive system and overwhelm the immune system without it being immediately detectable. Bacterial infections like Helicobacter pylori can severely jeopardise one’s health when left untreated, and lead to symptoms beyond the common ones described in the literature.

There are negative interactions between digestion, metabolism, organ functions and microorganisms. Pathogenic, i.e. disease-causing, bacteria are usually responsible for these interactions.

Normamed cause-based medicine

Normamed’s fiduciary physician clarifies possible bodily causes of sleeping disorders based on Normamed’s diagnosis standards. The specially developed diagnosis method follows a standardised procedure. Clearly defined quality guidelines are observed within specified inspection parameters.

Because of these relationships the Normamed cause detection for sleeping disorders is based on the following three pillars:

  • Digestion
  • Organ and metabolic functions
  • Multiple infections and miscolonisation

The valuable and proven measures of Western scientific medicine and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) are combined in order to clarify the correlations between infections, digestive/organ/metabolic disorders, immune system disorders and sleeping disorders.

Information from infectiological examinations are taken from microbiology, imaging measures such as ultrasounds, and pulse and tongue diagnostics from TCM and combined into a cause-based medical method. This independent branch of medicine opens up new diagnostic and treatment possibilities, resulting in new ways to treat sleeping disorders burnout in areas where Western specialist medicine and traditional Chinese medicine are unable or barely able to find solutions.