Kasper, Lydia /König, Annika /Koenig, Paul-Albert /Gresnigt, Mark S. /Westman, Johannes /Drummond, Rebecca A. /Lionakis, Michail S./Groß, Olaf /Ruland, Jürgen /Naglik, Julian R. /Hube, Bernhard
The fungal peptide toxin Candidalysin activates the NLRP3 inflammasome and causes cytolysis in mononuclear phagocytes
In: Nature Communications| (2018) 9:4260

Candida lipolytica, Nagel-Isolat, Reis, 400-fache Vergrößerung, Kontrast

Exophiala dermatitidis, Stuhl-Isolat, Reis, 2 Tage, 400-fache Vergrößerung

Candida albicans, Stuhl-Isolat, SG-Platte, Rand, 400fache Vergrößerung

Candida albicans, Mund-Isolat, Reis, 4Tage, 400-fache Auflösung

fungal peptide toxin; Candidalysin; NLRP3 inflammasome; cytolysis; mononuclear phagocytes; microbes; phagocytes; innate immune system; inflammasome activation; host cytolysis; hypha formation; Pmacrophage lysis; inflammasome-dependent cell death; pyroptosis; late damage; glucose depletion; membrane piercing; cytolytic peptide; toxin; hypha-associated gene ECE1; NLRP3 inflammasome-dependent caspase-1 activation; potassium efflux; macrophages; dendritic cells; mononuclear phagocyte cell death; pyroptosis; glucose-consuming hyphae

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