Hartl B, Zeller I, Manhart A, Selitsch B, Lass-Flörl C, Willinger B (2018) |
Retrospective Assessment of Four Antigen Assays for the Detection of Invasive Candidiasis Among High-Risk Hospitalized Patients |
Mycopathologia 2018 Jun;183(3) |
pp. 513–9 |
hohe Sterblichkeitsraten; invasive Candida-Infektionen; Mannan-Antigenassays; Platelia; Platelia Plus; Serion; (1-3)-b-D-Glucan-Assay Fungitell; Platelia-Assay; PlateliaPlus; invasive Candidose; Diagnose; Antigen; Mannan; BDG; Fungitell |
Ursachenmedizinische Untersuchung und Behandlung krankmachender Pilzinfektionen.
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