St-Germain G, Laverdiere M, Pelletier R (2001)
Prevalence and antifungal susceptibility of 442 Candida isolates from blood and other normally sterile sites: results of a 2-year (1996 to 1998) multicenter surveillance study in Quebec, Canada.
J Clin Microbiol 2001 Mar.; 39(3)
pp. 949–953
Prevalence and antifungal susceptibility of 442 Candida isolates from blood and other normally sterile sites: results of a 2-year (1996 to 1998) multicenter surveillance study in Quebec, Canada.

Geotrichum candidum, Stuhl-Isolat, Reis, 200-fache Vergrößerung

Prevalence and antifungal susceptibility of 442 Candida isolates from blood and other normally sterile sites: results of a 2-year (1996 to 1998) multicenter surveillance study in Quebec, Canada.

Candida parapsilosis, Ohr-Isola, Reis, 7 Tage, 630-fache Vergrößerung, Kontrast

Prevalence and antifungal susceptibility of 442 Candida isolates from blood and other normally sterile sites: results of a 2-year (1996 to 1998) multicenter surveillance study in Quebec, Canada.

Candida valida, Stuhl-Isolat, SG-Rand, 1 Tag, 200-fache Vergrößerung

Prevalence and antifungal susceptibility of 442 Candida isolates from blood and other normally sterile sites: results of a 2-year (1996 to 1998) multicenter surveillance study in Quebec, Canada.

Candida albicans, Stuhl-Isolat, SG-Rand, 400fache Auflösung

Candida-Arten; Candida albicans; C. glabrata; C. parapsilosis; C. tropicalis; C. lusitaniae; C. krusei; Candida spp.; MICs; Amphotericin B; Flucytosin; AIDS; Leukämie; Fluconazol; Azol

Check-ups auf pathogene Hefen

Ursachenmedizinische Untersuchung und Behandlung krankmachender Pilzinfektionen.