Nobile CJ, Nett JE, Andes DR, Mitchell AP (2006)
Function of Candida albicans adhesin Hwp1 in biofilm formation.
Eukaryot Cell 5
pp. 1604–1610
Function of Candida albicans adhesin Hwp1 in biofilm formation.

Candida albicans, Stuhl-Isolat, SG-Rand, 400fache Auflösung

Function of Candida albicans adhesin Hwp1 in biofilm formation.

Candida tropicalis, Stuhl-Isolat, Reis, -5 Tage,400-fache Vergrößerung. Kontrast

Function of Candida albicans adhesin Hwp1 in biofilm formation.

Exophiala dermatitidis, Stuhl-Isolat, Reis, 400-fache Vergrößerung

Function of Candida albicans adhesin Hwp1 in biofilm formation.

Candida albicans, Stuhl-Isola, Reis, 7 Tage, 200-fache Vergrößerung

Hwp1; Candida albicans; Zelloberflächenprotein; Hyphen; orale Epithelzellen; Bcr1

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