Polakova S, Blume C, Zarate JA, Mentel M, Jorck-Ramberg D, Stenderup J, Piskur J (2009)
Formation of new chromosomes as a virulence mechanism in yeast Candida glabrata.
Proc Natl Acad Sci 106
pp. 2688–2693
Formation of new chromosomes as a virulence mechanism in yeast Candida glabrata.

Candida lipolytica, Nagel-Isolat, Reis, 400-fache Vergrößerung, Kontrast

Formation of new chromosomes as a virulence mechanism in yeast Candida glabrata.

Candida albicans, Stuhl-Isola, Reis, 7 Tage, 200-fache Vergrößerung

Formation of new chromosomes as a virulence mechanism in yeast Candida glabrata.

Candida albicans, Mund-Isolat, Reis, 4Tage, 400-fache Auflösung

Formation of new chromosomes as a virulence mechanism in yeast Candida glabrata.

Candida glabrata, Urin-Isolat, SG-Rand, 400-fache Vergrößerung, Kontrast

Eukaryoten; Chromosomen; neuartige Chromosomen; pathologische Ereignisse; pathogene Isolate; haploid; Resistenz gegen Pilzmittel; Genomplastizität; menschlicher Körper

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