Calcium oxalate in the sputum may aid in the diagnosis of pulmonary aspergillosis: A report of two cases

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Maeno T, Sasak M, Shibue Y, Mimura K, Oka H (2015)
Calcium oxalate in the sputum may aid in the diagnosis of pulmonary aspergillosis: A report of two cases
Medical Mycology Case Reports 8, 2015
pp. 32–36

Candida albicans, Mund-Isolat, Reis, 4Tage, 400-fache Auflösung

Candida albicans, Stuhl-Isola, Reis, 7 Tage, 200-fache Vergrößerung

Candida-parapsilosis, Ohr-Isolat, Reis, 1 Tag, 200-fach, Kontrast

Exophiala dermatitidis, Stuhl-Isolat, Reis, 400-fache Vergrößerung

Calciumoxalat; Sputum; pulmonale Aspergillose; Aspergillus fumigatus; Calciumoxalatkristalle; Aspergillus-Hyphen
Calcium oxalate in the sputum may aid in the diagnosis of pulmonary aspergillosis: A report of two cases

Check-ups auf pathogene Hefen

Check-ups for pathogenic yeasts

Ursachenmedizinische Untersuchung und Behandlung krankmachender Pilzinfektionen.


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