Fungi, bacteria, parasites, viruses: treatment of infections

Infections are the cause of many complaints and diseases.

Fungi, bacteria, parasites, viruses: treatment of infections

Infections are the cause of many complaints and illnesses. Germs can imperceptibly disrupt the body's balance long before an illness breaks out. Chronic illnesses can arise. Their actual causes often cannot be found without careful microbiological analysis.

Consequential trivialization of infections

Infections often go undetected or are neglected before the disease breaks out. However, many noticeable symptoms - such as digestive problems, sleep, concentration, headaches and joint pain, fluctuations in body temperature, skin problems - can be signs of infections.

The way: detecting and treating pathogenic germs

When germs in the body make you sick

Some germs make people sick in general. Therefore, infections with pathogenic bacteria, such as Helicobacter pylori and yeasts, e.g. from the genus Candida must be treated by a doctor.

Other germs also cause problems when they appear in the wrong places in the body. In medicine, this is referred to as “incorrect colonization”. For example, there are germs that belong to the intestinal flora (Escherichia coli) but cause diseases in the bladder and kidneys.

An often underestimated reason for recurring bladder infections is digestive disorders. Particularly if you have a tendency to irregular bowel movements or constipation, germs can enter the bloodstream through the intestinal walls (this is called persorption). The germs can then be filtered through the kidneys and flushed out into the bladder, making the epithelial cells of the intestinal mucosa permeable and thus opening and facilitating the path into the bloodstream for other pathogens.

“Mushrooms” – underestimated and often untreated

In general, ignoring and not treating pathogenic yeasts has a variety of consequences. The misjudgment of the serious health damage caused by the Candida genus (e.g. its species albicans, tropicalis, famata, glabrata, guilliermondii, krusei, parapsilosis) is a widespread problem. This can lead to serious illnesses, either acutely or over the course of many years.

Because of the high prevalence, a kind of "habituation" to the presence of pathogenic yeasts has occurred in humans. Even experts often accept that the immune system "can cope with the fungi". However, from a medical point of view, this is extremely questionable.

In more than 2.000 publications in the middle of the last century Prof. Dr. Dr. HH Rieth Together with colleagues at the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, we used many examples to point out the dangers of yeast.

Even though little research is being conducted in this area today, there are occasional publications that clearly show how dangerous this misjudgment is, especially with regard to the immune system.

Consider the findings of microbiological research

Using Candida glabrata as an example, research shows (see Seider, K., S. Brunke et al. (2011): The facultative intracellular pathogen Candida glabrata subverts macrophage cytokine production and phagolysosome maturation. J Immunol 187(6): 3072–86 (2011)) that this yeast multiplies directly in the human immune system, in the macrophages (i.e. in the phagocytes), and destroys them. (Brunke, Sascha et al. (2011): Evasions- und Adaptationsmechanismen von Candida glabrata bei der interagieren mit Makrophagen. DMykG, Mykologieforum, Medizinische Mykologie in Klinik und Praxis. Issue 3/11 (2011), p. 23). The phagocytes (also called phagocytes) are an important part of the immune system. But parasites can also be the cause of many complaints. For further information and research, please visit our literature database on Microbiology Literature Database.

In order to avoid complications and to target the cause, careful involvement of microbiology is therefore necessary, in which parasites, pathogenic yeasts, bacteria and incorrect colonization are systematically detected. The correct collection of samples plays a major role here.

The goal: causal treatment of complaints

Disorders of organ functions, digestion, the immune system and infections are in a reciprocal relationship of cause and effect:

On the one hand, infections, for example, weaken the function of the spleen (and other organs). On the other hand, a weak and "overwhelmed" spleen increases susceptibility to infections. Complex disorders of organ function are the result.

It is therefore important to thoroughly clarify the actual causes of complaints and illnesses, including carefully taking infections into account. This forms the basis for the respective combination of options with which the causes can be treated as effectively and as gently as possible.

Investigation and Treatment of Mixed Infections

Repeated use of medication can be the result of a lack of medical quality assurance. Complications and treatment discontinuation are a risk if unsystematic procedures fail to achieve the goal. This is why guidelines for diagnosis and treatment are so important.

Particular attention is also paid to the interactions between infections with parasites, bacteria and yeasts and viruses, e.g. human papillomaviruses (HPV)

Causal medical treatment of infections

The medical treatment of infections includes

  • the exact classification of the complaints
  • careful sampling and material collection
  • microbiologically experienced laboratory tests
  • gentle treatment
  • and careful monitoring of success.

The “immune system” is often not strengthened as assumed by the accumulation of supposedly controllable pathogens, but rather lacks the “capacity” to maintain effective protection or to counter other, new infections.

A good physical balance does not consist of a balance of pathogens. The goal of complete, sustainable and subsequently preventive causal medicine is a relieved body with an immune system that is not constantly overwhelmed by incorrect colonization or pathogens - and whose organs and organ functions are not impaired as a result.

We will be happy to advise you about the possible causes of your complaints.

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